Tree Topping

Tree Topping
Our tree topping services are available year round. Topping involves removing the entire top or large branches at the top.

Tree Crowning
This removes a portion of branches, usually at the outer crown, to produce a uniform density of foliage that's evenly spaced.

Tree Pruning
Our pruning system removes the upper branches of a tree and promotes a dense head of foliage and branches.
When To Trim
Winter Trimming
Nonblooming Trees; Prune in late winter while fully dormant. Summer-blooming Trees; Prune in late winter.
Spring Pruning
Spring-blooming Trees and Shrubs; Wait until immediately after they bloom but you still should prune them as early as possible.
Free Estimates
We provide free written estimates before any work is contracted for tree topping in Manchester, Eagleville and Lewisburg, Decherd, Lynchburg, and Winchester.